I started out blogging because I thought i might have something to say about parenting. But I ran out of material pretty quickly, it seemed. I didn't have the patience for it.
But I want to try and keep blogging for you, whoever you are. Thank you for your patience and readership.
One of the things that has distracted me in recent months is Second Life. Yes, Second Life.
I had tried a virtual life kind of thing called "There". I was pretty good but it seemed awkward in some ways and I never quite got used to it. Second Life, by comparison, was easy to get into and do things with. Much more comprehensive and engulfing. There is so much to see and do and its a wonderful experience.
I got caught up in it and became rather obsessed with it, logging on every day that i possibly could. Eagerly anticipating who and what I would see that day. As time went by, I met people and made friends. Some of those friends now are very special to me. Second Life has shown me a lot. And I'm not done yet.
The latest thing in SL that I have gotten into is vampires. There is a role-playing game in SL about vampires called: Bloodlines. You become a vampire by being bitten and you accumulate 'wealth' by gathering blood and souls of others. The one with the most of each is king of the clan, so to speak.
I've also been interested in vampires in general for a while now. At one point I thought I could read through the Ann Rice vampire chronicles. I have yet to finish Lestat. Well, I needed a break.
I shall elaborate on these ideas more later on. Right now I'm pretty tired and easily loosing my thoughts. So good night for now.