Lately, I have become more interested in privacy in regards to this digital life we live. Truth be told, we don't have privacy anymore, not if we carry a device, particularly a cell phone.
For me, at work, I use a GPS almost all the time, and the work phones are trackable all the time, that works well in ground transportation. But otherwise, having an android phone that is always keeping track of you and asking if you have been here or there, it gets a little creepy. It's one thing to geotag a photo now and then when you post to social media, but to have your phone ask you where you've been?
Some people are very sensitive to this and fall off the grid, deliberately, others want the convenience and their privacy. And others don't care at all saying they have nothing to hide. I'm in the latter camp. If I wanted to hide something or didn't want to be seen, I think there are ways to get things done without being tracked.
I didn't realize that I hadn't been to this blog in over a year. Wow, how time flies. so much has happened too. I'll fill you in later.