Wednesday, August 19, 2009


We're at Marietta getting ready to drop our youngest student off for her first year at college. We will be empty-nesters. How did that happen? Between both girls we have invested about 20 years into parenting. Twenty years! And now it comes to this. We came as three and leave as two. *sigh*

Now I feel forced to look at my life as an older person. The parenting years are over and now it's time to watch our children, grown up, get on with their lives. While the kids were around it was easy to get older and not let it bother me. Since turning 50 it was harder to do. Now that the kids are going to be gone most of the time it will be even harder. It's just us and our thoughts. That can be really scary. But time marches on and we will make the best of it and who knows, even enjoy it.

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