Saturday, May 14, 2011

Bin Laden & May 21st

So, we finally got Bin Laden? Good for us. Funny thing is that Obama actually got him. Bush set 'em up and Obama knocked 'em down. For all the talk about ending the wars and pulling troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq, in some ways Obama is just like Bush, or at least walking in his footsteps. Then he goes and does his more expected un-Bush things like talk about raising taxes, or spending another trillion on something or another. I'm persuaded he's a true liberal at heart, so for him to do these conservative things, like exerting our military muscle overseas, must grate him to some degree. Talk about conflicted.

I found out recently that another Christian sect has supposedly figured out that May 21st is going to be the end of the world. At a glance of the group it seems the person in charge has done this before, back in 1994. I haven't read the details of the theory yet, but it involves some sort of calculations based on dates and quirks thereof. Hmmm, a week from today. The day after payday. Religion can do some strange things to people, like aggravate the idea of their own self-impotence. It happens in cults a lot, the leader thinks only he can hear from God...or the he is God. Unfortunately there will easily persuaded people eager to follow him/her. It's sad because I think it makes the genuine believers harder to take seriously.
I will try and keep up on this one through the week, and after...

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